Effective Wednesday, March 1st, Recycling will be collected on Wednesdays.  Please be sure to place your containers by the curb Tuesday evening or prior to 7:00 AM on Wednesday morning.  On windy days, please be sure your container is secure to prevent the materials from blowing around your neighborhood.  Please note, on Holiday weeks, if Independence Day or Christmas Day fall on or before Wednesday, your materials will be collected on Thursday.  This is also true for the week of Memorial Day and Labor Day.  The 2-page flyer below gives you more details about the changes as well as what to recycle.  If you experience any issues with this transition, please call us at (610) 689-6000, ext. 221.  The more you recycle, results in higher state grant funding to help support the effort.  Thank you for your cooperation!

2017 Amity Township Recycling Flyer

Recycling image