Walk around your property to check for egg masses on trees, cement blocks, rocks and any other hard surface. If you find egg masses on your property, you can scrape them off using a plastic card or putty knife. Scrape them into a bag or container filled with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer and keep them in this solution permanently. Egg masses can also be smashed. Remember that some eggs will be unreachable at the tops of trees, in other well-hidden areas, and throughout your neighborhood and community. Be aware that this method may not reduce the number of nymph or adult SLF you see later in the year. Every effort to control this insect is worthwhile. When you travel in and out of the quarantine zone, check your car and any outdoor items you are moving (grills, outdoor furniture, landscaping supplies, mowers, etc.). Remember that egg masses may be underneath your car or in your wheel wells. During all other times of the year, check for nymphs and adults, and keep your windows rolled up when you park. Don’t store things or park under infested trees, and don’t move firewood. For more information and current updates visit: HTTPS://EXTENSION.PSU.EDU/SPOTTED-LANTERNFLY-MANAGEMENT-FOR-RESIDENTS