Recycling imageJP Mascaro collects the Recyclable materials you place by the curb.  If you haven’t already, you should be receiving the flyer below which will give you important information and a calendar indicating the collection dates.  Collection will be in accordance with the schedule mailed to each household.  Placement should be either the night before collection or by 6AM, with the exception of SR 422, Ben Franklin Hwy, SR 562 and SR 662 which should be placed the night before as collection takes place earlier than other areas of the Township.  Please be sure to secure your materials to prevent spillage and/or blowing around the community.  Should your bin become knocked over or materials blow out of your container please be courteous to your neighbors and pick up those materials.  If you personally see materials being dropped by the collector or glass being broken on the roadway please let us know immediately.  We hope for a smooth transition and ask for your patience during this time.