Due to the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic, we are asking for your cooperation in helping to prevent the spread of this virus. Please stay home unless you absolutely need to care for someone, obtain food or medicine.  For the latest details visit www.berksdes.com, PA Dept of Health or the CDC  Questions may be directed to the Berks County Help Center via email at COVID@CountyofBerks.com or phone at (610) 320-6150.  Rumor Control can be accessed here

Small Business, 501c3 and sole proprietor loan resources can be found here: https://www.uschamber.com/sites/default/files/023595_comm_corona_virus_smallbiz_loan_final.pdf

For the safety of all residents and employees we will be CLOSED to the public until further Notice. Updates will be posted here as well as on our FB Page. The June 3rd Board meeting will be held virtually via Zoom.  The remainder of June meetings will be held at Amity Fire Co., 47 Pine Forge Rd., Douglassville or remotely (as needed), via Zoom Meeting [https://zoom.us/download (call for details to participate/attend)] – should you wish to offer public comment, feel free to email tbingaman@amitytownshippa.com or call us at (610) 689-6000, ext. 270, prior to the respective meeting (shown on Calendar). If you wish to sign into the meeting, please call the above # and a link for the meeting will be provided.  Due to recent cyber-bombing of virtual meetings, you will need to provide the login name and email or phone # you will be signing in with, otherwise you will not be admitted to the meeting.  We appreciate your cooperation!

Staff will be in the office during normal business hours to handle your needs. For sewer bill related inquiries, please call the number below and enter extension 225. Permit applications may be made via internet www.amitytownshippa.com or via fax at (610) 689-9870Payments of any kind can be accepted via telephone at (610) 689-6000 or may be placed in the after hours drop box at any time.

Amity Township is adhering to the recommendation of Governor Wolf and does not condone/recommend use of public recreation facilities for groups of 10 or more. Due to staffing, no additional measures are being taken to disinfect playgrounds, restrooms, picnic tables, fields or gathering areas. Please keep the national and state recommendations of social distancing and hand washing in mind while visiting the Monocacy Hill Trails. Reminder – Dogs must be on a leash!  The National Recreation and Park Association has provided tips and information about keeping a safe social distance in parks and on trails during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you choose to enter any of our Township parks, you are doing so at your own risk. These restrictions have been recommended for Public Health & Safety and will remain in effect until further notice. These Recreation Re-opening Guidelines were issued by the PA Park & Recreation Society.  Thank you for your cooperation!

Real Estate Tax payments may be mailed to the address on the face of the bill or placed in the drop box at the entrance of the Township building.  If you desire a receipt, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. The Flat rate period has been extended through September 30, 2020.  Penalties will apply after this date.

We encourage you to support local food establishments by ordering takeout or delivery.  Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.  Keep surfaces clean and refrain from touching your face. Stay calm, stay home and stay safe!

The Governor has ordered Berks Countians to Stay at Home 

Closure of non-life-sustaining businesses.
Life Sustaining Business list

FAQ’s about this order.
Additionally, here are the Governor and Secretary of Health’s orders to this effect.