If you find or lose a pet within Amity Township, please call the Township at (610) 689-6002 or after hours, (610) 655-4911. We will do our best to reunite the pet with its owner(s).  The Township has invested in a chip reader and we have established a short-term...

Concerned about Speeding?

Please watch the following video, courtesy of the City of Lancaster:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0cNY0sAVNA We would appreciate your support by contacting your Representative (David Maloney) and your Senator (Katie Muth) and ask them to support House Bill 607,...

2020 Proposed Budget

The Board of Supervisors have agreed to advertise the Proposed 2020 Budget.  This budget has NO planned increases in Real Estate Tax or Quarterly Sewer Rates.  You can view the full budget here  2020 Proposed Budget for Public