The Department of Agriculture is reminding dog owners to be sure they get a license.
All dogs three months of age and older are required to be licensed. The fee for an annual dog license is $8.70. Lifetime licenses are available for dogs that have permanent identification such as a microchip or tattoo ($52.70). Discounts are available for qualifying older adults and persons with disabilities (Annual $6.70, Lifetime $36.70).
Licensing dollars support the work of the Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement, which inspects Pennsylvania’s kennels and ensures the health and well-being of the dogs that spend their lives there; investigates and prosecutes illegal kennels and bad actors; protects the public by monitoring PA’s dangerous dogs and investigating dog bites; and reunites licensed lost dogs with their families and helps unlicensed lost dogs find shelter.
Pennsylvania dog licenses are available for purchase through Pennsylvania’s county treasurers. To ensure you’re purchasing a legitimate license and not being scammed, skip the search engine and type into your browser’s address bar find your county treasurer’s information.