If you find or lose a pet within Amity Township, please call the Township at (610) 689-6002 or after hours, (610) 655-4911. We will do our best to reunite the pet with its owner(s). The Township has invested in a chip reader and we have established a short-term holding pen. We have a few resident volunteers helping us as well. It is important to not only chip your pet; but to register the chip as well – please be a responsible pet owner! If you use Facebook and are able to hold the found animal for a period of time, please post dogs to @BerksDogSearch as well as @Amity Township, Berks County, PA. For cats, please post to @BerksCountyCatSearch and @Amity Township, Berks County, PA. If you do not locate a dog owner or are unable to hold the dog, please contact us. Thank you!