Notice is hereby given that the Amity Township Zoning Hearing Board shall hold public hearings on Monday, April 25, 2022, 7:00 p.m., in the Township building, 2004 Weavertown Road, Douglassville, PA 19518, on four applications. The first hearing is to consider the application of Zemac Acquisition, LLC, related to the property at 209 Monocacy Creek Road, Douglassville, PA 19518, Property Id No. 24-5354-09-17-7220. Applicant requests variance relief from Zoning Ordinance Sections 405(b)(19) (multiple commercial uses on one lot), 505(c) (uses permitted in Steep Slopes Overlay District) and 960(a)(4) (buffering of outdoor storage areas) in connection with the development of a Heavy Construction Contractor’s Establishment. The second hearing is to consider the application of Zemac Acquisition, LLC, related to the property at 368 Benjamin Franklin Highway, Douglassville, PA 19518, Property Id No. 24-5354-09-26-1964. Applicant requests variance relief from Zoning Ordinance Section 951(b)(5) (buffer yards), in connection with the development of a self-storage unit. The third hearing is to consider the application of Alford Party Rentals, LLC, related to the property at 1964 Weavertown Road, Douglassville, PA 19518, Property ID No. 24-5365-05-0-85348. Applicant requests variance relief from Zoning Ordinance Section 409(b) (uses permitted by right) in connection with the operation of a party rental supply business. The fourth hearing is to consider the application of David Ridgeway and Christine Volpi-Ridgway, related to the property at 215 Battenkill Drive, Douglassville, PA 19518 Property ID No. 24-5354-1286-9516. Applicant requests variance relief from Zoning Ordinance Sections 902(b)(9) (maximum square footage of accessory structure) and 925(e) (number/location of driveways), which incorporates by reference Section 27-509 of the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, in connection with the construction of a garage and driveway. Copies of the applications may be examined at the Township building (address above) without charge or obtained for a charge not greater than the copying cost thereof. If you wish to attend the hearings and are a person with a disability requiring an auxiliary aide, service or other accommodation to participate or attend the hearings, please contact the Township Office (610-689-6000) to discuss how the Township can best accommodate your needs.

Zemac – 209 Monocacy Creek Road (facing SR 422) Multiple Uses on one lot, Uses permitted on Steep Slopes, Required Buffers  2022_04_19_08_30_14

Alford Party Rentals – 1964 Weavertown Road, Use Variance  2022_04_19_08_31_54

Ridgway, 215 Battenkill Dr  Accessory structure – maximum square footage and additional driveway