Amity Township Recreation and Open Space Plan of 2001
Purpose of the Plan
Amity Township is committed to planning for its future growth and preservation. The Township enacted a Zoning Ordinance in 1991 and a Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance in 1992. Amity’s Parks and Recreation Plan went into effect in 1993. Since that time, Amity has developed physically, added many new residents and expanded its parks and open space system.
The demand for recreation in the municipality and the importance of preserving open space have grown accordingly. This updated plan describes how Amity should be addressing parks, recreational and open space needs- both current needs and those likely to arise over the next ten years. The focus is on ensuring that residents always have opportunities to enjoy their leisure time locally.
Contents of the Plan
Important background information has been collected and mapped to support the policies and recommendations in this Plan. While much background data is new, information has been incorporated from the 1990 Amity Township Comprehensive Plan and the 1993 Amity Township Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan where appropriate.
Background information includes:
- Information on existing natural features including steep slopes, flood-prone areas and woodlands, among others.
- A summary of the most important historic places and historic preservation initiatives underway.
- A description of key population and housing trends in Amity Township.
- An inventory of existing parks and recreation programs, and a summary of how recreational services are administered and delivered in the Township
- An analysis of the Township’s existing and projected park, recreation and open space needs.
The Amity Township Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan includes the following major parts: